New Chat Features, GPT-4o and Enhanced Usability in Our AI Platform

Discover our cutting-edge AI platform update with a revamped chat interface, diverse AI model responses, GPT-4o integration, and upgraded chat session control.

We're thrilled to announce a significant update to our AI platform, bringing you an enhanced user experience and powerful new features. In this update, we've focused on improving the conversation section, where you interact with text-to-text models like Claude, Gemini, and GPT-4o. Here's what's new:

Redesigned Chat Layout

We've revamped the chat layout to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. Previously, the textarea was positioned at the top with the chat history below it. Now, the textarea is at the bottom, offering a more familiar and comfortable interface, similar to popular chat applications like ChatGPT. This new layout makes it easier to follow conversations and input text seamlessly.

new chat layout

Regenerate Responses with Different AI Models

Interacting with multiple AI models has never been easier! Now, you can regenerate the last response from the AI model you choose. Suppose you're in a conversation with GeminiAI and want to see how another model might respond. A convenient dropdown menu under the last response allows you to pick between different AI models. The selected model will then recreate the response, providing diverse perspectives and insights.

regenerate response

Chat History Management

Managing your chat history is now more efficient and flexible. All chat sessions are automatically saved, enabling you to go back to any session and continue right where you left off. This feature is perfect for long-term projects, ongoing discussions, or simply picking up previous conversations. Additionally, if you prefer to tidy up your chat history, you can easily remove any chat sessions you no longer need.

chat history

Subscribers Will Access Limitless GPT-4o

In addition to the above features, we are excited to announce that subscribers will now have access to limitless GPT-4o. This means you can leverage the full power and capabilities of GPT-4o without any restrictions, ensuring you get the most out of your AI interactions.

Summary of New Features:

  • Redesigned Chat Layout: A more intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Regenerate Responses: Choose different AI models to recreate the last response.
  • Chat History Management: Easily access and remove chat sessions.
  • Limitless GPT-4o Access: Unrestricted access for subscribers to the full capabilities of GPT-4o.

We believe these enhancements will significantly improve your interaction with our AI platform, making it more versatile, efficient, and user-friendly. Explore these new features today and experience a seamless AI conversation experience like never before!

Stay tuned for more updates and improvements. We are committed to continuously enhancing our platform to meet your needs and expectations.

Thank you for being part of our journey to redefine AI interaction!